Week 7 (10/03/2016 – 10/07/2016) System of Equations
Reporting Category 3: A.2I , A.5C
A.2I: Write a system of linear equations from a word problems.
A.5C: Solve systems of two linear equations with two variables for mathematical and real-world problems.
10/03/2016: Write system of equations from a word problem. Practice 1
10/04/2016 : Write system of equations from a word problem. Practice 2
10/05/2016 : A.5C – Solve System of Equation – Solution to a System of Equations.
10/06/2016 : A.5C – Solve system of equation from a word problems.
Review A.2I , A.5C system, of equations
Quiz 1
Week 6 Practice RC2:A.3D Graphing Inequality
Reporting Category 2 , Readiness Standard A.3D
A.3D: Graph the solution set of linear inequalities in two variables on the coordinate plane.
09/26/2016: Which ordered pair is in the solution set of ?
09/27/2016: Which graph represents the inequality ?
09/28/2016: Which graph represents the solution set of ?
09/29/2016: Review Graphing inequality
Quiz 1
Week 5 Quiz
Week 5: Linear Function Practice RC3-A.2C
Strategic Math: Week 5 (09/19-09/23) Practice
Day 1: Which function represents the same relationship as a given table for point on a linear function?
Day 2: Which equation can be represented by the graph given?
Day 3: Which function can be used to represents the verbal description ?
Day 4: Review All subject above
Day 5: Quiz 2 on RC3:A.2C
RC3:A.2C Linear Function
Reporting Category 3 , Readiness Standard A.2C
A.2C : Write linear equations in two variables given a table of values, a graph, and a verbal description.
2016: Question 5 , Question 35
2015: Question 31
2014: Question 1 , Question 22
2013: Question 7
Week 1-Week 4 Review
Week 1 – RC3: A.5A – Solving linear equations
Week 2 – RC3: A.2A – Determine Domain and Range
Week 3 – RC2: A.3B – Calculate rate of change ( Slope ) of linear functions.
Week 4 – RC2: A.3C – Graph linear function and identify key features , X and Y intercepts.
Week 1 – 4 Quiz – Click Here
Week 4: Linear Function RC2:A.3C
1- (Q14-2016) What is the y-intercept of the line graphed on the grid ? Practice
2- (Q23-2016) Which graph represents Ax+By=C ? Practice
3- (Q43-2016) Which graph shows a line with an x-intercept of …. ? Practice
4- (Q41-2015) What is the zero of r(x) = (8/3)x-16 ? Practice
5- (Q43-2015) Two linear functions given, how does the graph of one compared to the other ? Practice
6- (Q47-2015) , (Q17-2014) , (Q21-2013) What does the x-intercept or y-intercept represents ? Practice
7- (Q27-2013) What is the zero of the linear function graphed below ? Practice
Practice All Questions Here