Algebra 1

Main Topics

Numerical Expressions √ , # ¹⁰ , + , – , × , ÷ , ( ) , ±

Relations and Multiple Representations. {(),() ,()} , ◯ ➝ ◯ , ✝ ,

Verbal and Algebraic Expressions.

Simplify Algebraic Expressions. Like-Terms and Distribution

Laws of Exponents x³ · x⁴ , n¹¹ ÷ n⁵ , (k²)⁵ , y⁻⁶ , (#)⁰

Functions, Notation, and Evaluation. f(x)=*** , f(-4)?

Equations = and Inequalitites < > ( Solution and Solution Sets).

Family of Functions ( Linear / , Quadratic U, and Exponential ⤴).

Linear Function, Equations and Graph Attributes.

Special Lines HOY ⬌ and VUX ⬍

Linear Transformation, Parallel ╱╱ and Perpendicular ⎯│ Lines

System of Linear Equations, Solution ✕ ( Intersection ).

Sequences a₀ , a₁ , a₂ , … , aₙ

Quadrtic Function, Equations and Graph Attributes.

Exponential Function, Equation and Graph Attributes

Domain and Range of Relations and Functions. DoRa

Correlations and Regressions